Thursday, August 6, 2015

July 27, 2015

First I need to introduce myself. My name is Minnie (Suzy) and my husband's name is Riley. I am a 63 year old short rolly polly with what I hope a good attitude but a little bizarre sense of humor. So if some of my statements seem a little shocking or out of place, for that I apologize (not really) ahead of time. You only go through this life once and you need to make it real. Be happy, be content and don't compromise yourself for anyone. So there it is.
            I had woken up a few months ago with terrible back pain, just couldn't get rid of it. We had just been through about 6 months of traveling to Los Angeles and Long Beach for two life threatening surgeries for my husband, so I attributed it to stress release. He was almost back to normal and all the stress in my life (sleeping in hospital chairs, waiting for surgery, everything that goes with life on hold) was over. Time to focus on the future, right? That's when the pain started. Well, after not getting much relief I decided it was time for me to go see the doctor. He was thinking osteoporosis and setting up tests for that. Well, that sounded good to me! Just give me something to stop the pain. It seemed a reasonable diagnosis as I have been healthy for a very long time and had not seen a doctor in about 25 years other than a bad cold or cough.
            Finally got my back where the pain was gone and just soreness, but able to do things again. Soooooooooo, decided to do some laundry, stood at the top of the stairs and poof! Wound up at the bottom in no time flat. Landed on my knee (ouch!) then on my side (ouch again) then flat on my face. Side not bad, back sore but no pain and my knee is about the size of my waist, and let me tell you that is not so small. Good news, I don't think I broke anything other than my pride. LOL Hmmmmmmm, yup, "Short fat old women cannot fly." Just a word of warning to anyone else that decides it would be worth a try. Maybe I just forgot my super-cape!
            Anyway, the next day I couldn't even walk, used a walker for two days, cane for two days and limped around after that for a couple of more days. On the 27th the pain was back and Riley decided I needed to go to emergency, so off we go. They ran two cat scans (and no, they did not use a real cat, although that would have been kind of fun. LOL) to make sure nothing was broken. 3 EKG's (yup, still pumping good!) and several blood tests. When the results came in the diagnosis was most probably Stage 4 Cancer, in the breast, spine and only God knew where else. Well, that through me for a loop let me tell you. They decided to transfer me to a hospital in Las Vegas that could perform all the tests necessary.
            Now at this point, I have to admit, I was still in my nightgown and robe and no chance to change as we live 75 miles away from Pahrump. Not very becoming, but no one said a word. Now, insurance is a problem, so we decided that Riley could drive me to Las Vegas from Pahrump, Nevada (something like 60 miles, and then you have to find the hospital in a town of a Gazillion people). They had me sign a paper that I did not want an ambulance, gave me a transfer packet and said everything would be ready when I get there. I still don't think it has sunk in yet, for either of us. But our first thoughts were we are going to give this one to God and let him guide us. That one decision has been the biggest help and boost that we made. 
            Got to Las Vegas and had to find Sunrise Hospital, not too tough of a problem right? We wound up driving down (or up) the strip, me in my nightgown and robe just looking around going Wow! (Now this is from a lady that would not even go out on her front porch without being fully dressed!)
            Finally got to the hospital and was ready to check in, I had my little packet, everything was arranged, just needed to find where to go. I was told that my check in had been cancelled because I refused transportation. WHAT! Excuse me???? I just used an alternative method! Ok, so they sent us off to emergency with my little packet and the lady behind the desk said she would take care of it and get me admitted. Ok, it has been a long day, getting close to evening and very tired and hungry. This sounds good.
            Several hours later sitting in emergency I was called to see the doctor. Said he had read my paperwork but wanted to hear what I had to say, hmmmm, what can I say. I fell, I hurt, now I guess I have the met Mr. C without even knowing it. Oh, and the morphine they gave me at Pahrump is wearing of so I really really hurt! He was very nice and reminded me that this was not a Death Sentence, that one statement brightened me up and in that instant I knew that I would fight with every resource I could find to beat this thing. Funny how one person can make such a powerful impact on you without ever realizing it. I didn't catch the doctors name, but you know who you are and Thank You for giving me the courage to fight.
            Well, we are still in Emergency, they are trying to get a bed for me. Apparently the hospital is pretty full right now. So, here we are, sitting and waiting and watching the drama of Las Vegas unfold.

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