Thursday, August 6, 2015

July 31, 2015

Another morning of tests. Supposed to have a full body scan, a brain scan and the dreaded biopsy today. Rather apprehensive but need to get this done. My Oncology Dr. stopped by this morning. Went over what had been done, said that after the three tests I could go home, see my primary doctor within the week and make an appointment at his clinic in a week as well. Apologized for screaming at him and just got a chuckle. I think I really like this doctor. I feel like I can trust him and any plan that he suggests. Life is good, hope is high and I get to go home. Yeah!!
            Had a very nice student nurse come in today to help out. She asked if she could as me some questions so she could learn more. Well, yeah, how else will she learn. This young lady will make a wonderful nurse, very compassionate. It was a nice diversion in the day.
            Off we go, was unable to take anything, so needless to say very very sore and hurting. The biopsy has me apprehensive and having a hard time keeping the smile on my face, but it is a problem that I have to work through.  And off we go.
            This time they insisted on me going on a gurney, it was bad enough going from wheel chair to laying down. But now, I will not be able to control the move even a little bit. I think I am more scarred of being moved while laying down than the biopsy itself. But after it is over I can go home. As I feared, I could not help but scream again. It took about 15 minutes for the pain to subside this time. I am so thankful that Riley has not been down there during the tests. I am not sure how he would have taken it. Again, the people doing the test were wonderful. And tried everything to make sure I was as comfortable as I could be.
            The scans went well, and I didn't have to be moved again. They also set me up for the biopsy in the same place without moving. God Bless them. The Doctor came in that was going to do the biopsy via the scan. I think it was like robotic biopsy. I know I said something jokingly smart to the Doctor and he came right back at me. I loved it. Released some tension (well, for me anyway). He talked to me while he was working and had a good sense of humor. That helped a lot.
            Well, the biopsy was not as bad as I thought. After words I seen a couple of symbols on the machine and started poking at them. When asked what I was doing I told them I wanted to play the Pac Man game. Then it dawned on me, they had doped me up a bit and when I asked them the nurse just grinned. Well, no wonder I didn't care about what they were doing, I was busy trying to play Pac Man. LOL
            The nurses got my paperwork ready to leave and checkout was streamlined and simple. Riley got a little nap while I was down getting tests so he felt like going home with no problem. So 150 miles later we pulled into home and I was able to sleep in my own bed. I know I have to get things in order, but I have the weekend to rest and recoup. In the hands of my loving husband, with his support I can do this.  Tonight I am blessed.

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