Thursday, August 6, 2015

July 30, 2015

Scheduled for a radiation scan again first thing this morning. No water, no coffee! My God! NO COFFEE!! How am I supposed to make it through the morning???? 
            Riley had a nice surprise when he went to breakfast this morning. He was eating his breakfast when a Hispanic woman and her little girl (about 10 or 11) came in to eat. They were finishing up about the same time as Riley, he said the little girl came back to him and said "I  hope you wife gets better" and of course he said thank you. He was a little confused because he didn't remember meeting them before, but it made him feel good.  Then his waitress came back and told him that this lady had paid for his breakfast. What an absolute fantastic thing to do. It almost made him cry. So dear lady, I don't know who you are, but if you ever read this let me say Thank You. Riley needed some support and cheering up too. You are the best!
            Tick Tock, Tick Tock, noon has come and gone. So much for first thing in the morning. Tick Tock, Tick Tock, it is now early afternoon. My Oncology Dr. called to talk to me and I literally went off on him. Yelled at him over the phone, was really upset. I had not met him yet to my knowledge, if I had I was probably half asleep. The admitting doctor was in the room and kind of backed off when I was on the phone. It dawned on me what I had done after I hung up and apologized to everyone. I am not that kind of person that yells and throws a hissy fit. But throw one I did.
            About 1 PM they brought me two large containers of the nastiest tasting liquid I had ever tasted. After nothing by mouth, I had to drink both of these containers within the hour. Ugggggg, hold your nose and sip, doesn't taste as bad I was told. The thing is, it worked. So wait another two hours for the concoction to work before the scan. The really good news is after drinking all that I was not hungry and wouldn't eat anyway. My stomach was doing back flips and daring me to try to put anything else down there.
            Finally got down for the test and another move over and scream. But again, they were as gentle as they could be. Confused, scarred, hurting, but still feeling confident. I know that Riley is waiting for me upstairs and that when this is over I can rest for the day.
            The nurses made sure I had fresh water and something to munch on when I got back upstairs. I feel pampered there as they check on my every hour even if it is just to say hi. They also make sure that Riley has what he needs to stay close by. I can't say enough about the treatment that I received. It is making each day a little easier. Of course, the pain meds don't hurt a thing.
            My brother came up to see me, he wanted to make sure I knew if I needed a bone marrow transplant he was available. Bless his heart. I don't think they plan on any  of that but comforting to know my brother would do that for me. Love ya Glen.
            Riley went over to Denny's for dinner and brought me back a chocolate shake! YIPEE, funny how something so small and insignificant and perk you up. It was one of the best chocolate shakes I have every had.
            Time for me to lay it down for the night. Seem to be getting tired easily right now, but that too is temporary. You never know when I will get a spurt of energy and want to do something. But for now, another blessed day.

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