Thursday, August 6, 2015

July 28, 2015

Well, it's 2:00 AM and they came down to take me to a room. Yeah! Was put on the 5th floor and the ladies went to work to make me as comfortable as they could, pain med, was given breathing treatments, took blood again. Everything that they do when you are admitted. They even supplied a sheet and blanket for Riley so he could sleep in the recliner chair by the bed. Good thing, he was pretty tired himself and would not have been able to drive home anyway. I have to say the nurses on this floor are wonderful. They even took the trouble to quietly wake me up for vitals and shots so they wouldn't disturb me? Hmmmm. But really, so far so good.
            Time for breakfast, sent Riley to get himself something to eat and ready to dig into mine. Last meal for me for awhile because of tests scheduled today. Scramble eggs! My favorite! Until I took a bite. The nurses here are fantastic! The doctors here are fantastic! The food, well that's another story. I ate the fruit and drank the water. Good enough for now.
            Ran a couple more EKG's (heart still good), some breathing treatments (oxygen not bad or room air) but no pain meds today. Not until after the scans. I can get up and walk around, which is good. But once I am laying down I am at everyone's mercy. Cannot turn or move. And if they lay me on my back it feels like my lungs are going to come right out of my body. The pain is beyond measure. I am not the type of person that cry's or screams. But scream I did when they moved me. Once I was in position and allowed a minute to refocus I was ok. So, into the cat scan I go. (the techs were very understanding and took their time to make it as easy as they could.)
            They did a full body scan and I noticed something worth noting. I could see my full skeleton on one and the body (flab) around the edges. I met that skinny girl everyone talks about wanting to get out of big bodies. She looked pretty content to me, just wrapped in all that extra fat like a warm old comforter. Think I will let her be for now and not try to make her great the public. So, one radiology (I got radiated!) and one normal cat scan and I am on my way back to my room.
            Sometimes it is hard to keep a stiff upper lip and I lapse into tears once in awhile. This is an emotional merry go around. Feel like I am going through menopause again, only this one has an extra kick to it. But I am determined to see these tests through and get some kind of battle plan going. We already know what it is, just need to figure out how to attack it.
            Rest of the day just normal, blood pressure, blood tests (every 6 hours!) and breathing treatments. I almost feel spoiled as the nurses treat Riley and I like we were their parents. Oh, Riley is staying at the hospital with me. It is a comfort to know he is right there, I don't feel deserted or alone. I am truly blessed.           

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